A look "under the hood" of an RDM system

Digitization has increased the effectiveness and sustainability of scientific workflows tremendeously. Today we can use systems that, while we generate research data, associate, keep track and manage related contextual (meta)data in a digital and (semi-)automated manner. At the same time many labs stand at the brink of deciding an implementing certain software solutions in their workflows being confronted to many questions:

What are the required ingredients of such a system? How do these components need to work together for effectively managing data in the scientific context? What metadata do I need to collect? How can i ensure my data can be used further? How is metadata effectively collected and managed?

In this winter-school we will take a look “under the hood” and explore what essential components are needed for an exemplary research data managmenet system. The school will consists of lectures but has a focus on active involvement of participants in group discussions, and hands-on development and programming sessions.

We look forward to welcome you to Aachen.

Volker Hofmann & Ulrich Kerzel


MecaNano stands for "European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale" is a European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action running 2022-2026. The Action is intended as a broad international cooperation aiming to advance the multiscale understanding of the mechanical behavior of nanostructured materials. By combining the expertise of its participants – from experimentalists to simulation, data management and machine learning experts – it aims to overcome the different bottlenecks limiting the exploration of mechanical size effects. MecaNano provides its members with numerous opportunities to interact and collaborate, e.g. through dedicated workshops, symposia and summer schools, or by funding the mobility between participants.



Supported by

Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration  NFDI MatWerk

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